Siloam Missionary Homes was incorporated in February 1992 by Larry and Joyce George, with the help of Joyce’s parents, Wilbur and Dorothy Abbey, missionaries to Brazil. The vision was to minister to the housing needs of missionaries. The mission’s goal is to provide a comfortable, tastefully decorated, completely furnished home for weary, tired and yes, at times, sick missionaries. Siloam wants to meet the need for missionaries to find refuge and rest, a place to be together as a family, and to be refreshed, renewed and ready for their return to serve the Lord in their field of service.

Yes, Siloam missionary homes is an independent, non-denominational ministry with broad support from like-minded churches and individuals. Our doctrinal statement is available on our website and we do ask that missionaries agree with our doctrinal statement before coming to stay at Siloam.

Yes, we do charge for the missionaries to stay at Siloam, but significantly less than what it would cost to rent a home even in our local area. The monthly fee ranges from $400 to $500 a month depending on the number of bedrooms in the home. The average family will spend around $650 to $700 to stay here once utilities and internet are included.

The monthly fee the missionaries pay only covers around 12% of our annual budget. The remainder of our funding comes from fundraisers and donors. Donations provide around 70% of our annual budget. We currently have around 350 supporters made up of individuals and churches. The average monthly gift is around $30.

Yes, we are a 501c3 nonprofit as recognized by the IRS. All contributions and donations made to Siloam Missionary Homes are acknowledged with a tax receipt for tax purposes. This includes Qualified Charitable Contributions made from retirement accounts.

Most commonly by word of mouth, but several mission agencies and churches refer missionaries to us as well.

Each missionary fills out an application for their family which includes their personal testimony, a short description of their missionary work, personal information, and also who they are accountable to at either a church or mission agency. We then do background checks on all applicants 18 years or older before completing the booking process. When the families arrive they go through a short orientation process before receiving their keys.

The average stay right now is around 8 months, but some families are only here for a couple of months while others may be here for up to two years if they are undergoing aviation training with another local ministry.

The only things missionaries are required to bring is themselves and their clothes. The homes are fully furnished including all furniture, linens, and kitchen needs.

Many of the missionaries are here to report to supporters or raise support. So many of them travel extensively while they stay at Siloam. Others are here specifically just to rest and refresh, in essence, take a sabbatical to be renewed both spiritually and physically to return to the field.

Every family situation is unique, but we do provide opportunities for the families to interact with each other by scheduling monthly meals or activities. Several families take it upon themselves to fellowship together over meals or trips to local attractions.

Yes and no. Siloam Missionary Homes is not just about providing a house. That is our primary purpose, but it’s so much more than that. It’s about providing an oasis in a loud and messed up world where these families can focus on what is important and best prepares them to continue serving the Lord. Whether that is the amenities, the grounds, the activities we offer, or the houses themselves, every aspect of this community we call Siloam is designed to lift up the missionaries and help them be at their best in their service for the Lord.