Our History

For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, by having served and by still serving the saints. (Heb 6:10 NASB)

Siloam Missionary Homes was incorporated in February 1992 by Larry and Joyce George, with the help of Joyce’s parents, Wilbur and Dorothy Abbey, missionaries to Brazil. The vision was to minister to the housing needs of missionaries. The mission’s goal is to provide a comfortable, tastefully decorated, completely furnished home for weary, tired and yes, at times, sick missionaries. Siloam wants to meet the need for missionaries to find refuge and rest, a place to be together as a family, and to be refreshed, renewed and ready for their return to serve the Lord in their field of service. Siloam Missionary Homes is governed by a board of directors.

In October 1992, SMH purchased 16 ½ acres in Snow Camp, NC, with plans to create a missionary village, complete with a conference center, playgrounds, picnic areas, a food pantry, clothing and storage areas. This wonderful piece of property is covered with lush green trees, rolling hills and a gurgling creek. The first duplex was completed and began housing missionaries in May of 1994.

Because of the huge requests for housing and a special need for short term stays (less than a week), in April of 1995, SMH expanded its ministry to include a bed and breakfast in Graham, NC – Siloam Missionary Inn. This lovely 4,000-sq. ft. house met the housing needs of missionaries, pastors and evangelists. It also served as the home of the executive Director and the office of Siloam Missionary Homes. After the new office in Snow Camp was completed in 1997, the decision was made by the board of directors to discontinue the lease on the Inn and move everything back to Snow Camp. In November of 1998, a new home for the director was completed on the Snow Camp property. Since that time, the missionary campus has continued to expand. Today, there are 15 homes on 43 acres, a Family Life Center, a Food Pantry, a Chapel, a Wreck Center, an Exercise Room, and Playgrounds.

 “If I could lay a burden on your heart, it would be the same burden that the Lord has laid on mine. Helping to provide housing for missionaries is a gift that will last forever. What a blessing to hear smiling children say to their mom and dad, “It’s good to be home,” after spending many days traveling, or to hear them splashing in the creek and enjoying the other kids. My prayer for you is that you will catch a glimpse of the work here at Siloam Missionary Homes. Come visit SMH and see this work for yourself. May God bless each of you with a desire to serve Him.”  ~Larry George, Founder (Retired, 2021)

Our Founders

Larry George was raised in a Christian home. His father was in the Air Force and they lived in various places around the U.S., as well as Germany. He attended New Tribes Bible Institute in Jackson, Mich., where he met Joyce, who had been raised in Brazil, S.A., as a daughter of missionaries serving with New Tribes Mission. They were married in 1976.

Larry & Joyce George founded Siloam Missionary Homes, a ministry that provides homes for missionaries in Snow Camp, NC, in 1992. The ministry has expanded to 44 acres with 15 homes, a farm, and involvement in an overseas ministry, Mission At Work in Thailand. Prior to becoming President of the ministry, Larry George was an executive in the homebuilding industry.  His specific expertise in construction project planning, cost control and quality enhancement has helped the ministry to grow and develop while maintaining consistency of service and quality. 

Larry obtained a Bachelor’s in Biblical Studies in 2005 and a Master’s Degree in Pastoral Counseling from Andersonville Theological Seminary in 2008, and is a Certified Counselor through the American Association of Christian Counselors.  He was ordained in 2006. He retired from Siloam in 2021.

Joyce (Abbey) George was born to missionary parents, Wilbur and Dorothy Abbey, who served on the mission field in Brazil, South America under New Tribes Mission. She is married to Larry George and has two daughters, Rachel and Abbey, son-in-law, Mike Rich and three grandchildren – Macie, Preston & David.

Joyce is co-founder of Siloam Missionary Homes. She still serves as office manager for SMH and is responsible for all dictation, newsletter planning, responding to incoming letters, sending out applications and handling reservation dates for missionaries inquiring about staying at SMH.

She graduated from New Tribes Bible Institute, Jackson, Michigan in 1976. Having been raised in Brazil as an MK, she “understands what missionaries face as they return from the foreign field during furloughs. She believes that SMH is providing a much-needed place of rest where missionary families can ‘put it all back together’.” 

Wilbur & Dorothy Abbey served in Brazil, South America under New Tribes Mission in the 1950’s and then again from the mid 1960’s to late 1970’s. After leaving Brazil for health reasons, they finished their missionary service at the NTM headquarters until Wilbur’s 80th birthday. After retiring, they moved to North Carolina to be near their daughter, Joyce, and her family. A short time after their retirement, God laid it on their hearts to join Larry and Joyce in beginning the ministry of Siloam Missionary Homes. When the wooded property that is now Siloam Missionary Homes was purchased, Wilbur took a machete in hand and told Larry, “Let’s start clearing the land.”

Wilbur worked as bookkeeper for Siloam Missionary Homes for many years and was a guiding force in many of the decisions made early in Siloam’s existence. He was a prayer warrior, spending hours praying for the missionaries who came to Siloam and for missions around the world. He went to meet the Lord at age 92. Dorothy, who felt called to the mission field as a young girl, was available to help in any way she could and went to meet the Lord at age 92.